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Hotel Rambla Benidorm

Avda Foietes, Nº 2., Benidorm
5.9 See 666 reviews

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Pet Policy

This accommodation allows pets with the following conditions:
  • Maximum weight: 10 kg/pet
  • Price: 20 €/night and pet
Important Information: Once you've completed your booking, please send us a message via the contact section to inform us that you will be travelling with your pet. This allows us to notify the accommodation in advance, ensuring everything is prepared for your arrival.

About the accommodation

The Hotel Rambla Benidorm 3* is located in the heart of Benidorm, next to the famous and busy Avenida Jaime I, just 600 meters from the beach.

The hotel has a 24-hour reception, so you can be attended whenever you need it, air conditioning and heating, as well as free wifi.

In the summer season you can take the opportunity to sunbathe and take a dip in the outdoor pool ;)

Want to travel with your pet, great! This hotel allows pets up to a maximum weight of 10 kg and with a surcharge of 20€ per night and pet. Good to know: When you make your booking it is imperative that you let us know that you are traveling with your pet :)

The room has air conditioning and heating, free wifi connection, television, telephone, desk and a a fully-equipped bathroom with bathtub and hairdryer.

The privileged location of the hotel in the center of Benidorm, allows a perfect communication with the rest of the city thanks to its proximity to all means of transport. Mal Pas Beach is only 600 meters from the hotel and 1 km from the Port of Benidorm.


Book now at the Hotel Rambla Benidorm 3 * and enjoy a few days in the resort town of Benidorm.



Some of the services listed may be considered as extras. Please check with the reception desk upon your arrival. This information is subject to change by the accommodation.
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Hotel Rambla Benidorm
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Customer reviews

Based on 666 reviews
All of these reviews have been checked and verified
6.9 Sonia Fer Travelled with couple August 2024 The room is very old but it is spacious and the mattress is comfortable. The food was not very varied, but everything was good. The hotel is in a good location, blue zone parking or you had to park far away. Careful with the parking at the end of the street, it is for residents and the crane takes it away.
Habitación muy antigua pero es amplia y el colchón cómodo. La comida poca variedad, pero estaba todo bueno. El hotel está en buen sitio, el aparcamiento zona azul o tenías que aparcar lejos. Cuidado con el parking que hay al final de la calle, es para residentes y se lo lleva la grúa.
The uncomfortable pillow and that we ran out of water for a few hours in our room.
La almohada incómoda y que nos quedamos sin agua unas horas en nuestra habitación.
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3.1 María Del Pilar Travelled with family August 2024 Nothing everything lousy
Nada todo pésimo
The food was very bad, we were sick from the first to the last day, all 5 of us. The pool was vomited on the 2nd day and was not disinfected. The staff with 0 education except the cleaning ladies. In short, I would not return to this hotel even if they gave it to me as a gift.
la comida malísima, nos tiramos desde el primer hasta el último día con descomposición los 5. La piscina vomitada al 2 día y no la desinfectaron. El personal con 0 educación menos las señoras de la limpieza. En resumen, no vuelvo a este hotel ni aunque me lo regalen.
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6 Adriana Travelled with family August 2024 It is very close to almost everything in supermarkets, stores and beaches.
Q esta muy cerca de casi todo en supermercados tiendas y playas
From the hotel the recessionalist who is very rude.
Del hotel la recesionista q es muy borde
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10 Javier August 2024 Very friendly, reception, dining room staff and cleaning. Location a 10. Very cozy There is also a very nice parrot, his name is Thor, I encourage you to see him.
Muy amables, recepción, personal de comedor y limpieza. Ubicación un 10. Muy acogedor También hay un loro, muy simpático su nombre es Thor, os ánimo a que lo veáis.
I expect people to be a little more polite and not throw cigarette butts or papers on the ground. There are litter garbage cans
Espero que la personas que sean un poco más educadas y no tiren colillas o papeles al suelo. Hay papeleras
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3.3 Jesus Travelled with couple August 2024 The only good thing about this hotel is its location.
Lo único bueno que tiene este hotel es la ubicación
Cleaning service leaves much to be desired, toilet is still dirty, sheets the same (because they were stained and we asked to change them) and above all, the food, for the quality of this hotel my partner and I contracted very serious gastroenteritis and more than 3 days of stay were lost, in short, I would not recommend it to anyone.
Servicio de limpieza deja mucho que desear, aseo sigue estando sucio, sábanas las mismas ( por qué se nos mancharon y pedimos cambiarlas) y sobre todo, la comida, por la calidad de este hotel mi pareja y yo contrajimos gastroenteritis muy grave y más de 3 días de estancia se perdieron, en resumen, no lo recomendaria para nads
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3.1 Cristina Travelled with couple August 2024 Nothing the Romanian cook
Nada la cocinera rumana
I didn't like the treatment, the cleanliness, the food and on top of that I didn't enjoy anything I ended up hospitalized.
Nada no me ha gustado el trato la limpieza la comida y encima no disfrute nada acabe hospitalizada
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2 Antonia Travelled with couple August 2024 This is the second time I have been there but I can assure you I will never go back.
Nada está es la segunda vez que ido pero puedo asegurar que jamás volvere
The hotel has many shortcomings especially lack of hygiene in cleaning and dining room my experience was horrible there was an outbreak in the hotel of gastronomy and colitis the hotel left us hand of god the owner a rude aggressive person and above told us that we had brought the disease there are many people like us the owner at no time offered help to those affected only knew to accuse their customers and be defensive it was horrible experience and really does not deserve however economical it is to go we are 5 days later at home bad and with fever
El hotel tiene muchas carencias sobre todo falta de higiene en limpieza y en comedor mi experiencia a sido horrible a habido un brote en el hotel de gastronomía y colitis el hotel nos dejó de mano de dios el dueño una persona maleducada agresiva y encima nos decía que la enfermedad la habíamos llevado nosotros hay muchas personas como nosotros el dueño en ningún momento ofreció ayuda a los afectados solo sabía acusar a sus clientes y estar a la defensiva a sido horrorosa la experiencia y de verdad no merece por muy económico que sea ir estamos 5 días después en casa malos y con fiebre
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1 Endika Travelled with couple August 2024 Nothing
A real shame! It's a shame that you can't give it 0 stars, the same stars it deserves as a hotel, to call it that way. First of all, it's a shame that a trusted website like Buscounchollo offers this establishment, I thought it was a bit strange that it didn't appear on Booking. Before going there I read bad reviews in which most of them talked about the repetitive food in the buffet and I didn't give it any more importance. Once I have been there for a week as a couple I have to say that I would not recommend it even to my worst enemy. Let's go with the list of why it is a horrible place: 1. They have a red-tailed Yaco parrot in reception, very funny and all you want, but it is all day shitting all over the hotel hall. First unhygienic point. 2. The elevators and the building smell musty and have dampness. 3. The water in the pool is cloudy, so be careful if you want to swim and don't come out with three eyes or one arm too many. 4. We arrived the first day for dinner and as we left dinner we saw a hundred guests vomiting and lying on the floor of the hotel in the hall and outside attended by ambulances. As we later saw, we were told by those affected and went on TVE of Valencia was a poisoning by a bad seafood pella, no wonder ... 5. Nobody was in charge of cleaning the vomit from the entrance or the elevators and two days later my partner and I spent 2 days each one vomiting and with cagalera, a gastroenteritis of aupa, a fucking hell. 6. The air conditioning stops working, we complain and they say that a technician will come. Can you guess? Not even the guy shows up, the second day after spending the night at 30 ° in the room I complain again and allude to the same thing, the return has not passed anyone. I complain again for the third time and finally he says that he is going to restart it to see if it is solved, the technician is a hoax to pass the ball to the next one, to restart it works again. It was as simple as that, although it makes you wonder if they cut it on purpose. 7. We only saw 3 workers in the hotel for 1 week, in reception three people who rotated and one of those people who was dedicated to the "cleaning" of the entire hotel, more than 300 rooms. Result, 0 cleanliness in rooms and common areas. 8. The room toilet leaked every time you flushed the pump, the only solution they gave you was to take a mop and dry it yourself. 9. They didn't have more sheets to change when you asked for them, I don't even want to think which ones they put on when you arrive new. 10. Please don't ever go to this hotel, I also thought some reviews were exaggerated and the experience was worse than those reviews. The worst summer of my life without a doubt, when you are a little tight for a year sometimes you look at your wallet to economize, but in this case spend a little more or go to any other hotel that will surely be better for you.
Una auténtica verguenza! Una pena que no se le pueda poner 0 estrellas, las mismas que se merece como hotel por llamarlo de alguna manera. En primer lugar una verguenza que una página de confianza como Buscounchollo oferte este establecimiento, ya me parecía algo raro que no apareciera en Booking. Antes de ir leí malas críticas en las que la mayoría hablaban de comida repetitiva en en buffet y no le di más importancia. Una vez he estado una semana en pareja allí he de decir que no se lo recomiendo ni a mi peor enemigo. Vamos con la lista de porque es un lugar horrible: 1. Tienen un loro Yaco de cola roja en recepción, muy gracioso y todo lo que tu quieras, pero está todo el día cagándose por el hall del hotel. Primer punto antihigiénico. 2. Los ascensores y el edificio huelen a humedad y tienen humedades. 3. El agua de la piscina es de color turbio, mucho ánimo al que quiera bañarse y no salga con tres ojos o un brazo de más. 4. Llegamos el primer día para cenar y según salimos de la cena vemos a un centenar de huespedes vomitando y tirados por el suelo del hotel en el hall y las afueras atendidos por ambulancias. Como más tarde vimos, nos contaron los afectados y salió en TVE de Valencia fue una intoxicación por una pella de marisco en mal estado, no me extraña... 5. Nadie se encargó de limpiar los vómitos de la entrada ni de los ascensores y dos días después mi pareja y yo estuvimos 2 días cada uno vomitando y con cagalera, una gastroenteritis de aupa, un jodido infierno. 6. El aire acondicionado deja de funcionar, nos quejamos y dicen que vendrá un técnico. Adivinais? No aparece ni el tato, el segundo día después de pasar la noche a 30° en la habitación me vuelvo a quejar y aluden a lo mismo, a la vuelta tampoco ha pasado nadie. Vuelvo a quejarme por tercera vez y por fin dice que lo va a reiniciar a ver si se soluciona, lo del técnico es una patraña para pasar la bola al siguiente, al reiniciarlo vuelve a funcionar. Vamos que era tan sencillo como eso, aunque da que pensar si lo cortaron adrede. 7. Solo vimos a 3 trabajador@s en el hotel durante 1 semana, en recepción tres personas que rotaban y una de esas personas que era la que se dedicaba a la "limpieza" de todo el hotel, más de 300 habitaciones. Resultado, 0 limpieza en habitaciones y zonas comunes. 8. El retrete de la habitación perdía agua cada vez que tirabas de la bomba, la única solución que te daban era coger una fregona y secarlo tu mismo. 9. No tenían más sábanas para cambiar cuando las pedías, no quiero ni pensar cuales son las que te ponen cuando llegas nuevo. 10. Por favor, no vayais nunca a este hotel, yo tambien pensaba que algunas reseñas eran exageradas y la experiencia fue peor que esas reseñas. El peor verano de mi vida sin duda, cuando andas un año un poco apretado a veces miras la cartera por economizar, pero en este caso gastar un poco más o ir a otro cualquiera que os va a ir mejor segurísimo
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1.4 Silvia Travelled with couple August 2024 Nothing everything pathetic the food the cleanliness old the hotel with smell the pool a shame food scarce and repeated every day I do not recommend it at all we will not return.
Nada todo patético la comida la limpieza viejo el hotel con olor la piscina una pena comida escasa y repetida todos los días no lo recomiendo para nada no volveremos.
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1 Lucía Victoria Travelled with  friends August 2024 I did not like it at all.
No me ha gustado absolutamente nada.
I did not like the way the hotel workers treated the client, and much less the owner.... I did not like the lack of cleanliness. I did not like the food, there was very little variety, most of the dishes did not taste like anything and more than 150 people were suffering from food poisoning. The hotel owner did not want to deal with this situation in a fair way, going so far as to say that the food poisoning was due to the fact that we did not wash our hands before eating? The workers steal from the rooms. The hotel smells terrible and if you add to this that everyone was vomiting all over the place... it gets worse. I also didn't like having to sleep with anything on the door for fear of them coming in. Because of the failure of the cards, they are giving master keys with which you can enter any room... so anything can happen to you. I don't know if I left anything out, but the stay in this hotel was terrible, I couldn't even enjoy a day at the beach (which was the purpose of the trip). From the first day there was already a complaint with the hotel and being locked up in the room for vomiting, fever .... We have spent more time in the health center than anywhere else.
No me ha gustado el trato al cliente por parte de los/as trabajadores/as del hotel, y mucho menos el del dueño... No me ha gustado la poca limpieza. No me ha gustado la comida, había muy poca variedad, la mayoría de los platos no sabían a nada y encima más de 150 personas estamos con una intoxicación alimentaria. El dueño del hotel no ha querido hacer frente de una manera justa a esta situación, llegando a decir que la intoxicación se debe a que no nos lavamos las manos antes de comer... Los trabajadores roban en las habitaciones. El hotel huele fatal y si a esto le sumas que todo el mundo estaba vomitando por todas partes... pues peor. Tampoco me ha gustado tener que dormir pillando la puerta con cualquier cosa por miedo a que entren. Por fallos en las tarjetas, van dando llaves maestras con las que puedes entrar en cualquier habitación... así que te puede pasar cualquier cosa. No sé si me dejo algo, pero la estancia en este hotel ha sido nefasta, no he podido disfrutar ni un día de playa (que era el objetivo del viaje). Desde el primer día ya había queja con el hotel y estar las vacaciones encerrados/as en la habitación por vómitos, fiebre... Hemos estado más tiempo en el centro de salud que en cualquier otro sitio.
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7.7 José Travelled with couple August 2024
7.7 Ovidiu Travelled with  friends August 2024
7.7 Miriam Travelled with family August 2024
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Frequently asked questions about Hotel Rambla Benidorm

Where can I park at Hotel Rambla Benidorm?

If you stay at Hotel Rambla Benidorm you have the following parking possibilities (subject to availability):
  • There are parking areas (public or private) close to the accommodation. There may be a charge for these.
  • No car park available

Does the Hotel Rambla Benidorm have wifi connection?

The Hotel Rambla Benidorm offers free Wi-Fi throughout the hotel.

Can I stay with a pet at Hotel Rambla Benidorm?

Pets are allowed at Hotel Rambla Benidorm (on request and direct payment at the hotel). Check the conditions.

Is there children's cots available at Hotel Rambla Benidorm?

The Hotel Rambla Benidorm has cots available with direct payment at the hotel (you must request before you start your trip).

Does the Hotel Rambla Benidorm have a swimming pool?

Yes, Hotel Rambla Benidorm has a swimming pool (this service could have an extra fee). Here you have more info about the swimming pool and other facilities.
  • Outdoor swimming pool (summer season)

Does the Hotel Rambla Benidorm have a 24h reception?

Yes, Hotel Rambla Benidorm has a 24-hour reception.

Is there heating in Hotel Rambla Benidorm?

Yes, Hotel Rambla Benidorm has heating in the common areas.

Is there air conditioning in the common areas at Hotel Rambla Benidorm?

Yes, Hotel Rambla Benidorm has air conditioning in the common areas.