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Hotel Golden City

Marni, 49, Atenas
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Accommodation facilities/services

Pet Policy

Pets are not permitted in this accommodation.

About the accommodation

El Golden City se encuentra a pasos del Museo Nacional, en el corazón de Atenas, junto a los principales lugares de interés y yacimientos arqueológicos. El hotel está a pasos de la estación plaza Omonia del metro, desde donde puede acceder a toda la ciudad con el sistema de transporte público.

Some of the services listed may be considered as extras. Please check with the reception desk upon your arrival. This information is subject to change by the accommodation.
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Hotel Golden City Marni, 49
Hotel Golden City
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Frequently asked questions about Hotel Golden City

Is there heating in Hotel Golden City?

Yes, Hotel Golden City has heating in the common areas.

Is there air conditioning in the common areas at Hotel Golden City?

Yes, Hotel Golden City has air conditioning in the common areas.

Is there a restaurant at Hotel Golden City?

Yes, Hotel Golden City has a restaurant.

Is there a bar at Hotel Golden City?

Yes, Hotel Golden City has a bar.